Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Italian Adventure: Day 5

 So my plan to do a Trento diary kind of failed, simply because I’ve been too busy collecting images and making prints to exhibit. The town itself is quite strange when using Leeds as a reference. On the Saturday as few of us set out to get supplies from a local art shop set in an industrial estate, the buildings and tone of the area where strictly at odds with the surroundings, these imposing mountains that can be seen throughout the town. The centre, which I am counting as Piazza Duomo as it’s where I spent most time, has that quality that only age can impart. I found the entire place to be a system of textures, cracks and weathering. I found myself taking a photo of an interestingly textured door way only to find I was stood outside a H&M.

 As I began to see the town more on this scale as opposed to the grand mountains and frescoed buildings, my work began to focus on these cracks, the areas of temporal process. As I continued I started to relate these fractures to the framework of a map, linking the micro-scape to the cityscape and the macro, the textures I picked up becoming maps in there own right, connecting these small areas and the natural, timefull processes to the urban, manmade cityscape which because of it’s age seams timeless.

  The above is a preview of my starting point, the first prints that I produced whilst here. The final pieces are changed in a few ways but I feel I’ve kept the elements and the spirit I was trying to embody. The exhibition is tonight, we’ve handed out flyers, put up posters, all we can hope now is that people will come. Wish us luck!


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